This is the standard keyboard shortcuts list of IGEMS. If you wish to change any of the shortcuts you can do so by open the Default_toolbar.lsp document found in the "lsp" folder where you installed IGEMS.
Let's say you want to change the Save shortcut key, you can change the bold text in the example below.
(TB-SYSBTN (LTF "Save") "Core.Save.png" "Core.Save" "Ctrl+S")
New Drawing | Ctrl+N |
Open Drawing | Ctrl+O |
Import Drawing | Ctrl+I |
Save | Ctrl+S |
Save as | Ctrl+Shift+S |
Export Drawing | Ctrl+E |
Close | Ctrl+F4 |
Plot | Ctrl+P |
Dump Image | Ctrl+G |
Undo | Ctrl+Z |
Redo | Ctrl+Y |
Line | L |
Circle | C |
Rectangle | N |
Point | Shift+P |
Arc | A |
Polyline | P |
Elipse | Shift+E |
Offset | O |
Fillet | F |
Zero fillet | Shift+F |
Trim | T |
Boolean | B |
Erase | E |
Join | J |
Layer | Y |
Explode | X |
Block | Ctrl+B |
Group | G |
Move | M |
Rotate | R |
Multi copy | Shift+C |
Super move | Ctrl+M |
Mirror | Shift+M |
Scale | S |
Dimension | D |
Text | Shift+T |
Dimension Style | Shift+D |
Zoom Extents | Ctrl+Shift+E |
Pan | Ctrl+Shift+P |
Info | I |
Distance | Ctrl+D |
Part browser | F2 |
Create sheet | Shift+N |
Create part | 1 |
Contour | 2 |
Cut order | 3 |
Process | 4 |
Define bevel | 5 |
Bevel cut | 6 |