This tutorial shows how to add a DLL file to the APPS system in IGEMS.
NOTE! When sending a DLL with for example email Windows will place a block on the file and it can not be loaded by IGEMS until you UNBLOCK the file. So after copying the file you should right click on it and select properties. In the file properties window there will be a security message that the file is blocked. Just check the UNBLOCK checkbox to unblock it. After you have done this the DLL will be possible to load.
1. Start IGEMS and open the APPS tab
2. Press the Settings button to open the App settings dialog
3. Press the + button to select you DLL file.
4. Now all APPS defined in the DLL will be listed in the App settings dialog.
5. Use the checkboxes in the list to decide if the APP should be visible in the toolbar or not.
6. Press OK and the APPS will appear in the toolbar
7. If you like to assign an image to the button this can be done in the DLL when you register the APP or you can add an image in IGEMS.
Add an image in IGEMS
Open the Settings dialog again and select the APP you like to add an image to.
Press the Edit button to edit the button.
In the Edit dialog you can change the Name, Group and Image for the button.
To set the image press the Select button and select an image. The image will be re-scaled to fit the button.
Press OK and then OK in the App settings dialog.